Domain Age API

A domain age API provides developers with the ability to retrieve the registration or creation date of a domain. It enables applications to assess domain longevity, evaluate historical trends, and make informed decisions based on the age of a domain

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API request example
JSON output example
    "status": "ok",
    "domain": "",
    "ageInDays": 2537,     
    "domainCreationDate": "2019-09-09T09:29:09+0000",
    "domainUpdateDate": "2022-07-07T07:27:07+0000",
    "domainExpirationDate": "2023-05-05T05:25:05+0000"


  Fraud detection
E-commerce platforms and financial institutions can use a domain age API as part of their fraud detection systems. By analyzing the age of a domain associated with a transaction or account, they can identify potentially fraudulent activities. Suspicious accounts with recently registered domains may be flagged for further investigation.
  SEO analysis
SEO professionals and website owners can utilize a domain age API to assess the age of their own domain or their competitors' domains. Domain age can be a factor in search engine rankings, and understanding the age of a domain can help with SEO strategy development. It can also provide insights into how long a competitor has been active in the industry and give clues about their organic growth.
  Historical research
Researchers, historians, and journalists may find value in a domain age API for historical research purposes. They can analyze the age of domains associated with significant events, organizations, or personalities to understand their online presence and evolution over time. It can help provide context and insights into the digital history of various subjects.
  Domain market analysis
Domain investors and brokers can leverage a domain age API to assess the value of a domain. Age is a significant factor in domain valuation, and knowing the age of a domain can help in determining its worth and potential resale value. It can also assist in identifying valuable expired domains or aged domains for acquisition.